Couples: Wai+Tatsumi

April 7, 2011

Last week, I left Chewy in charge.  Unfortunately, the lil lazy sucker didn’t accomplish much aside from running up a huge international long distance phone bill, destroying the corporate credit card, and hosting questionable social events on company property / time.

All this went down while I was out at Whistler for Tatsumi’s bachelor party.  While I can neither confirm nor deny the purported existence of possible photos from that alleged event, I am happy to say that I do have photos of Tats and his lovely fiancée Wai.

Wai and the wifey have known each other for years.  In fact, I first met Wai when I first met the wifey.  Quite a feat, seeing as how I met Cindi in Seattle (while she was in transit to LA) at a time when Wai lived in San Mateo because she worked in San Francisco.  The stars aligned somewhere between all the cities and all the (good) S words.

Thanks Wats for the fun Sunday.  Can’t wait for the wedding!


6 Responses to “Couples: Wai+Tatsumi”

  1. Kristin Brænne said

    Great pictures!

  2. Ali said

    omg i LOOOOVE the sun star popping through the tree blossoms… but of course i would! great job 😉

    • jocson said

      Thanks! It took me a few tries to pull off that shot. There were sooo many people floating around in the background, and a tree-climbing line started to queue up behind me waiting for us to finish. Working with an audience was interesting. Madness!

  3. […] that section of the house, so I’ve been blacklisted.  However, the wifey is currently out at Wai’s bachelorette party, so while she’s away I took the liberty of inviting myself into her […]

  4. […] the weekend we celebrated the end of my vacation by revisiting the Wai+Tats set.  These kids are so delicious, we just had to serve them with dinner […]

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